Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fun says, "Be Gone O Stupidity!"

Here are some useful ideas that will make you cleverer.

#1: Intelligence is not genetic
Scientific evidence is pointing to the direction that intelligence can be trained and improved over time. So, you are not born stupid. You just did not think hard enough to have strong brain muscle.

#2: The "I am lazy" excuse
Very often, people tell me that they are lazy to think, lazy to work. However, they aren't really lazy as they are spending a lot more energy and time on the matters involved. Simply because they never thought, their strategies aren't efficient. And we all know what laziness means - LEAST effort for MAXIMUM return. 30 minutes of hard thinking to solve a persisting issue is definitely more efficient than a lifetime of labouring to run around a persisting issue.

#3: No pain, no gain but too much pain, you get no gain too
A common fact. You got to flex your brain to improve its functionality. However, you don't have to throw a problem so tough that it gives up before trying. Always start with easy quizzes. Let your brain build up its strenght. Similarly, when you go to the gym, you don't hit the heaviest weight first. You start with something that you believe you can handle.

#4: Your brain is a heavy eater
A brain consumes a lot of oxygen and energy everyday. So, it is wise to give it enough of healthy food, water and oxygen. By having a balanced diet, properly hydrating yourself and breathing in enough fresh air, you are basically providing your brain with what it takes to perform well.

#5: You are not a robot
Even some robots do not work 24/7, so you should take adequate rest. Best to sleep before 11pm every night. Give your brain time to build more neurons to bridge for better performance. It is not just quantity, it is quality as well. So, hit your bed early, get a good quality sleep with the right quantity of about 6 to 8 hours.

Hope you enjoyed these five ideas that should make you cleverer. ;)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Fun says, "Be Gone O Viruses and Malwares!"

Here are simple ways to keep your computer clean from viruses and malwares.

Tip #1: Disable autoplay/autorun.
We all know how often when you just plug in your pendrive and there goes your computer, being infected by a myriads of viruses and malwares. Hackers know that people tend to be lazy and keeps the autorun enabled. So, your convenience become theirs as well.

Read from to know how to disable autorun.

Tip #2: Learn how to read URL.
URL like * is OBVIOUSLY NOT a photo of a naked girl. Know how to look at URL to determine if it is a virus site or a real photo.

*That is a made up URL. I don't know if it will lead you anywhere if you click it.

Collorary tip: Don't be such a horny person.

Tip #3: Never click on URL you are not sure of.
A lot of seemingly friendly URL sent by your "friends" may not actually come from your real friends. You can't be too careful.

Tip #4: Read what you are shown and use some common sense.
A lot of viruses and malwares disguise themselves as virus scan results in attempts to fool people into clicking "yes". If you do not read properly and simply press, you might simply be inviting virus into your computer.

Tip #5: If you ever get infected, get an expert to clean it.
Don't be so selfish and infect your friends. What goes around, comes around. You'll end up infecting yourself again the next time, after you cleaned your computer.

Happy protecting your computers, dudes.