Monday, July 21, 2008

Fun says, "My Comic - The Thousand Second Rebellion of Cuckooland."

While the citizens of Cuckooland are so happy with Suram the Goth's plan for the nation...

Citizens of Cuckooland: Vote Suram the Goth!

Dera the Torturer: SILENT, you idiots! You all think Cuckooland is a land of democracy? This is the land of anarchy!

Citizens of Cuckooland: Since we don't have law and government, can't we make our own?

Dera the Torturer: Too late! Muahaha, I shall now rule all over you with an ironfist as your king! Go enslave everyone, underlings!

Underlings: Yes, master! (Then they jumped around like monkeys eating bananas...)

Citizens of Cuckooland: Let's overthrow this ironfist king! We want democracy!

...and thus the famous Thousand Second Rebellion of Cuckooland that lasted only 1000 seconds.

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