Saturday, October 11, 2008

Fun says, "My Comic - Ubahikan's Lamentation."

Ubahikan the Modifisher: *sigh* Life is so tough...I am inproductive, disproductive, unproductive, misproductive, deproductive, abproductive, malproductive and many more but never reproductive...

Ubahikan the Modifisher silently walks out of the screen, feeling down and sad and lonely...

Modifish Dictionary:
Inproductive: (Adj) Trying in vain to produce something unproductive.
Disproductive: (Adj) Causing others not to produce.
Unproductive: (Adj) Not producing.
Misproductive: (Adj) Producing wrong products.
Deproductive: (Adj) Causing something productive to be misproductive.
Abproductive: (Adj) Producing defective and harmful products that seem to be productive.
Malproductive: (Adj) Inability to produce the right product due to wrong raw materials.
Reproductive: (Adj) Something to do with babies. I think you understand it better than me.

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