Friday, December 28, 2007

Fun says, "People just love to spread lies."

It's really amazing people love to spread lies.

There was this advertisement saying, "If you buy one thing and get something else with the same value for free, it is like it's free! So quickly come and get it, since it is free!". If you analyse the statements clearly, they are implying that 1 - 0 = 0 instead of 1 - 0 = 2 * 0.5 = 1. And there are people who believe in the former equation and bought the items.

There's another ad, claiming that they can make the calcium atoms smaller!!! And they call it nanocalcium! Anyone with scientific knowledge knows that that is a total lie but the government approve of such advertisement on the TV, spreading lies to the consumers.

In another ad, they teach that pH 5.5 is neutral. I wonder where they got the idea. But anyone who study basic science knows that pH 5.5 is acidic. pH 7 is the real neutral.

No wonder there are people saying that businessmen are wicked and evil. Their reputations are being marred by these unscrupulous people. And it makes me wonder why the government isn't doing something to correct such misinformation on the TV?

1 comment:

mayura97 said...

It's true that advertisement is stupid and sometimes misleading but what's is consumerism without a little motivation eh? HAHAHA... However, people choose to remain ignorant.