Saturday, December 29, 2007

Fun says, "Rape case on the rise?"

Is our society getting messier by the day with all sorts of social illness such as rape, rob, murder or drug abuse? I do not know. But recently, I stumbled into a forum. A thread there discuss extensively on prevention and protection from getting raped. It reminded me of cases I heard from my friends about their friends who fell victim to the heartless men.

Is there a perfect way to protect yourself from being a victim? There are literally hundreds of advices out there for us to refer to. But each and every one of them has their own pros and cons. For example, some suggest pepper spray. But from the little knowledge I have about the purses/bags of girls, I think that by the the time they can find the spray in their purses/bags they are already raped. Some other people will suggest that you always keep your hand on the spray when you are out. Then you run the risk of spraying your friends. Or worse, your boss or your customer. You might become paranoia as well if you keep your hand and mind on the spray every time you go out.

So, no matter what is suggested, there will be always loopholes. However, better be prepared with something with loopholes rather than be totally unprepared. So, here's a few pointers I got from reading from the forum and also from my own experience in martial arts.

1. Always be aware of your surrounding.
Human are very capable of reading body language. When you are aware of your surrounding, you will be giving out the body language of being prepared and alert. Most rapist will see and feel this. They will less likely attack you as they have the fear of getting caught or beaten up. Also, by being aware of your surrounding, you have higher chance of noticing fishy events around you. You might just have that extra milliseconds to react. This can give you a lot of advantage. Besides that, activities such as text-ing or talking on the phone should be reduced as they distract you from your surrounding.

2. Always try to bring something that can be used as a weapon of self-defense.
The most recommended item to bring will be umbrella. The reason is, you can use it for sunny day, rainy day or emergency. Also, its length can be an advantage. Keys, hair sprays, perfumes, files, high heels and many other seemingly safe items can be used as weapons. Use your creativity and you can find ways to use them against the attacker.

3. Study the human body to learn about weak points in the body.
No matter how strong a man, he will still have weaknesses. Even superman has a weakness. Being able to identify them and attack them will give you an advantage. Most people will argue that girls are weaker than guys but you don't need a fatal blow to take down a guy on his weak points. A direct poke on the person's eye will most probably make him release you. This will win you time to run and scream for help.

4. Learn martial arts if it is possible
I recommend Judo. The reason being that I notice most martial arts cannot prepare you to be able to defend yourself in a short time (less than 6 months). I personally think that 2 hours a week in judo can prepare you to defend yourself within 3 months. Jujitsu can also be an alternative. However, if you want something more graceful and elegant, you can try traditional Chen Style Tai Chi or Aikido. Why am I not recommending Tae Kwon Do or Karate? Because it is too common. The rapist might have done his homework in advance to counter basic attacks of these 2 arts. And I'm not saying these 2 arts are no good. They are great.

5. Learn how to run, fast.
Always keep fit. You wouldn't want to be breathless and tired within seconds of fleeing from the attacker. So, doing some cardiovascular exercise often is good for protecting yourself, from attackers and diseases as well.

6. Despite all the rubbish I said, running is always the best option!
Flee, run, escape. That's the best choice of action. Even some 6th or 7th dan master from some famous martial arts will still say they would rather run. If you fight, you risk getting hurt, or worse, killed.

7. Lastly, always bring condoms with you.
If worse comes to worst that you cannot escape and cannot do a thing, at the very least, plead the rapist to wear condom. It will protect you from STD or bearing the rapist's child.

Girls, please do take good care of yourself. If anyone wants more information on the 3rd, 4th or 5th item, feel free to contact me. I'm very willing to help. Of course if you need help with the 7th item, I'll be willing to help as well. (*with a wolfish grin...)

May HaShem bless us all with protection and bless the rapists with conscience that they will stop their actions. Amen.


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